Monday, October 24, 2022

The Introduction of A Wine Duchess

My name is Franki and at my place of employment I am known as the Duchess of Wine & Weddings.  At home, I'm known as Mom.  To my friends, I'm known as the used to be wild and crazy one but who has now grown into a mature and responsible mother and is borderline boring now.  I suppose these are my identities.

I have a daughter who was born when I was 18 years old.  She's the light of my life.  I don't know where I would be without her.  She led me to get a grip on my life and move on from one part-time mom & pop shop job to a part time retail worker with room to grow.  And I did grow.  I got a promotion, I bought a house, and I established a life in a new town so that I could take care of her.  We escaped toxic and abusive scenarios and our lives became good for a long time.  Then, covid hit.

Covid was the downer of almost all our lives.  We were beyond careful and didn't get it through all the mask wearing and safety protocols, and yet my health declined through it all.  I was becoming paralyzed with anxiety, constantly shaking and uncertain if I was alive or dead in any given scenario.  I didn't know if I was having seizures or what could possibly be wrong with me to make me shake in this manner, but I was assured due to my breathing patterns that they were not seizures.  I was just shaking from pure stress and anxiety.

I hadn't even thought I was stressed.  Nothing was really wrong in my life.  I had a decent job that I was good at, but I put in a lot of hours for.  I was a successful mother who had independently accomplished so much in parenthood.  I had found a partner to share my life with who ended up moving in with covid hitting and becoming someone my child regarded as a true father.

Then, schedules weren't lining up.  My job didn't care that I needed to pick up my daughter from daycare because business needs came first.  Business came before my health, my family, before everything.  I had to leave.  My health was getting worse and worse.  I couldn't stay awake.  I couldn't leave my bed at times.  I was taking iron supplements for past anemic problems as well as the meds my doctor was instructing me to take, but nothing could stop the drain that work was having on my body, so I left.

It was one of the greatest decisions of my life.  I am beyond proud of myself for all of the detrimental and toxic and downright abusive situations I have managed to escape now.  I did take a little time in finding a new job.  I wanted to get my life situated.  I allowed my health to get better, my house to get cleaner, and for everything to get more organized.  Then, I found a job.

An upscale winehouse that also sold liquor and beer was hiring, so I went in and asked for a job.  They asked about my experience and I explained that I managed an overnight process in a giant corporation, gave them my resume, and started the next week.  My goal here wasn't to impress anyone or become anything special.  Of course, I would learn.  My Slytherin ambition certainly wouldn't let me just do nothing.  So, I learned, I impressed, and I'm becoming a true manager at the new store we're opening in a couple weeks here where I will make more money than I ever did in that corporation and for half the stress.  Not to mention the like minded and ambitious individuals I get to work with and have as my peers in this new spot.  The owners are also amazing and have been more than understanding of my needs as a parent.  This new crew means the world to me.

My new role is the Inventory and Operations Manager for Wine and Liquor or as my peers like to call me - the Wine Duchess.  I have my other half in Beer, the Beer Overlord, and then there's our GM, the Whisky Gent, who is a true level one whiskey sommelier (and I believe the only one in our state).  Anyways, I may be a young adult, but I had my kid as a teenager.  I did not become experienced in the ways of wild parties and figuring out great drinks.  I've tried things here and there, and now, I can taste products for my job.  I am excited to be learning and trying new things.

Well, I just wanted to introduce myself.  I'm hoping to post new favorites and about different things that I learn about in the industry.  Thanks for reading!

Notorious Pink Grenache Rose

      This bottle is meant to go on my wall of fame.  Some day I'll have to share a picture of that as I put all of my favorite bottles ...