Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Premier Amour


    "Premier Amour" was a fantabulous skin contact white blend.  I specifically use the technical term skin contact because saying an orange white blend is the oddest thing one could probably say.  This French blend was 40% Chardonnay, 40% Viognier, 16% Sauvignon Blanc, and 4% Semillion.  And it was delightful.

    The zesty flavoring paired nicely with the chicken that may have been just a little too spicy for my tastes.  Thankfully, I had this off dry wine to assist in the spice control.  The citrus was blatantly clear and made the Sauvignon Blanc seem stronger than it actually was.  I got notes of apples in the beginning too, but I've never seen anyone else suggest such a note.  The label only printed "lemongrass, green melon, summer peach, and citrus pith."  I'll be honest as I have no idea what lemongrass smells/tastes like and I certainly don't know what a pith is.  But the apple was clear to me and even to my daughter as I allowed her to sniff the glass to which she spoke with such knowledge "that smells like apple juice."  She will one day be a sommelier for sure.

    That beautiful label is painted by an American artist named Ann Pickett.  I do believe the label is just as glowing and beautiful as the wine inside the bottle.  And while everything seems perfect, the story on how this wine was brought into existence is one of hardship.  It would seem that in 2021 Famaey struggled as the April frost set in destroying many of their vines.  When harvest time came about in August, they scrounged up as many salvageable grapes as they could and put them together in a vat to experience some skin contact for a week before moving the juices into their own vat where they would age for 5 months.  And after all that hard work, they produced 1,400 bottles of utterly phenomenal wine.  With that limitation, I only hope you can try something nearly as delightful.

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Notorious Pink Grenache Rose

      This bottle is meant to go on my wall of fame.  Some day I'll have to share a picture of that as I put all of my favorite bottles ...