Thursday, April 27, 2023

Stella Rosa Blueberry Wine


    So, let's talk dessert.  Because you can drink this candy with anything.  I may have drank my merlot with nothing last night to just enjoy it, but this is like soda or juice.  I mean it just drinks so well.  It made me want pancakes as it was just the syrup on top, but all I had was brownies and cheesecake.  Did I mention dessert?  Delicious.

    I'm not going to lie that I had been stressed about making a post today.  I've tried blogging before on multiple different topics and I didn't want to stop the momentum.  Today was just an oddball day.  My little family unit packed up for the library expecting my daughter's bio dad to show up for visitation to which he did not.  It didn't surprise me but it was quite a statement (again).  So, we went out to the local diner for dinner.  Now, I do try to drink my wine with dinner, but there was none to be served at this establishment.  And before I even got halfway through dinner, I was feeling a little unwell and not wanting to stay awake much longer.  So, we get home, I shower, and I've decided not to open a bottle.  I had accepted that I would be missing a night of wine to share with the world.  Until I read a message from my mother that my parents and their company have opened this bottle of wine and I'm welcome to join.  And I certainly did.

    I know normally I talk about the wine but what a delight these individuals are.  My parents have found a really nice group of friends that I really enjoy in the area.  This is a little Dungeons & Dragons group that they've formed and I like all of them.  I'm definitely not in the group and a little awkward but I love observing them.  And one of them was crafting little handheld May Poles for Beltane that made me very happy.  They're like little pom poms and are just so fun.  I'm very happy to have been gifted that along with the wine.

    I don't know what more I can really say about a "semi"-sweet candy wine like Stella Rosa.  It was true to it's blueberry roots and delicious.  I could drink it all day with a pancake or waffle breakfast.  Who needs dry mimosas when you can have this sweet syrup to put you in a chipper mood?  Find me by the pool all summer with a Moscato, Malvasia, or other sweet wine in hand.  Sweet wine is my happy place.  I'm definitely trying to explore the dry wines and find a love for them, but there will always be a special place in my heart for something sweet.

    And even if you are a dry wine drinker, there's nothing wrong with a little candy.  There's no reason to not like it.  If you like jolly ranchers or smarties or sweet delicious treats, it's hard to say you don't like sweet wines.  I think it's certainly worth a try.  I hope you get to enjoy it or another option by Stella Rosa that's more your flavor!

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Notorious Pink Grenache Rose

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